Tuesday, 28 January 2014

The 2013 Year In Review Tag

Hi peeps!

I don't usually post on a Tuesday, but I've been tagged by the lovely Michaela from Michaela-la. Go check her amazing blog - I absolutely love what she writes.

The rules to this tag are simple:

1. In your post, be sure to link back and tank the blogger who tagged you.
2. Answer the questions and tag a least 5 other bloggers.
3. Include the badge in your post.

Let's get this tag started!

1. Your top five favourite blogs to read in 2013

2. List your five most read blog posts of 2013
Hello There
Christmas Backing with Claire....Rocky Road
Turning 20
New Year's Resolutions
Sacked...Fired...but Not Done

3. Name one blog you wish you had found sooner
The blog I wished I had found sooner is Life of a Trainee Journalist. I have only started following her, but love what she writes. She is also training to be a journalist, like me, so I can relate to her in a way. You guys should really check her out.

4. Your favourite blog post of 2013
I think my favourite blog post of 2013 has to be my Choosing A Path Is Never Easy post. That was a moment in my life that I was proud of, and I wanted to share that with other bloggers to tell them that even thought we have so many choices to make in life, we have to be happy with the one that we do choose. I don't know if I inspired anyone, I hope I did though.

5. Would you like to improve (if anything) on your blog this year?
This year I would like to improve my blogs layout and add a few different widgets. I want my blog to have a crisper look, as I think it looks a tiny bit amateurish.

6. Name a blog you have a blog crush on
I absolutely love Brighton Dream's blog. I love her content and always read her new posts.

7. How often do you post?
I always try to post once a week. Sometimes I'll post twice, but that's very rare. There's sometimes a lack of inspiration, but I try to overcome that and get something out for Friday.

8. Share your first post of 2013
My first post of 2013 was in August when I first started blogging. It was a simple "Hello There", introducing myself to everyone.

9. Name one thing you'd be doing if you weren't typing this post right now
One thing I would be doing if I wasn't typing this post right now would be reading a book, or listening to music.

10. What have you loved most about blogging this year
What I've loved about blogging is that I'm able to talk about things that interest me, and am able to share that with all of you. I also love commenting on other girls blogs and then them commenting something back to me. Everyone is lovely on Blogger and there's a sense of community that lacks outside of the online world.

The bloggers I would like to tag are: Kik's Choice, My Chic Adventure, Katieemay, Firoza and The Girls Next Door.

Again, I would like to thank Michaela for nominating me, and I can't wait to read your replies!

Friday, 24 January 2014

Review: The 1975 Album

Hey guys!

So recently I've been "band surfing" on Spotify. I'm pretty sure everybody does this at some point. We all get to the stage where we want something different or new to listen to.
That's exactly how I've been feeling lately. Even though there are some great tunes in the charts, I felt like exploring for some new music. And if your looking for something that's not your usual taste the Spotify is definitely the place to go.
So that's where I headed to...and I finally found a few bands that I haven't discovered before.

One of those bands was the 1975. I know they're not a new band, and that many people have heard of them. I thought I'd see what their self titled album from 2013, "The 1975", was like.

As soon as the first track started playing, I was hooked. As I listened to the rest of the album I knew that this band was going to become a new obsession.

I can't really describe their sound. It's sort of indie mix with a bit of rock 'n roll.

Their album has really suprised me. I don't usually like that type of music but there is something about that makes you want to listen to more of their songs.

I seriously would recommend The 1975 to anyone who wants a change from their normal listening. Each track has a great rythem to it, som of them don't even have lyrics.

My favourite tracks are Chocolate, Robbers and Settle Down. I also like the song HNSCC, which is on their EP "Music For Cars". There are no lyrics, but it always reminds me of walking in a forest :)

If you want to check them out, then here is a link to my playlist on Spotify. Comment to let me know what you think. Xx

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Explaining About Yesterday

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to clear up one thing about my last blog post. I've been told that I shouldn't have used the word "sacked" or "fired" for that matter. As I said yesterday, my ex boss said I had done a good job. They just someone who has more free time. So in a way its more of me being let go, instead of getting the sack.

I'm sorry that I have made this to be something its not, but I'm still not going to let this get me down. There are other jobs out there.

Talk to you later xx

Monday, 20 January 2014

Sacked...Fired...but Not Done.

Hi guys!

Before I begin this post I just want to say sorry for not posting anything last week. I was busy sorting out stuff for work (more about that later) and I hadn't had time to write a blog post. Now I have plenty...

There's no easy way to say this...so I'm just going to come out with it...I've been sacked. I know, I have never mentioned having a job, and up until recently I didn't have one. That all changed a few weeks ago.

Let me start from the beginning...A few weeks ago I was approached by an up and coming shoe company asking me to be their Spanish community manager. Each week I would need to write fashion related blog posts as well as tweets and posts on Facebook. I have never been a community manager before, but as they say "there's a first time for everything."

My initial thoughts were "OMG this is insane". I was going to be paid for something that I love doing, and it was a new experience. I was worried I wasn't going to be any good, but it only took me a day to accept their offer.

But something's must come to an end, and after only working with them for 2 weeks my time with them was up.

I feel a little annoyed. I had so many ideas for the blog, but my boss told me that I had done an amazing job, they just needed someone that had more free time.

OK so I got fired, big deal. Other great things will happen, and it has been a pleasure working for them and has given me new ideas...but most importantly it's taken me out of my comfort zone and given me new experiences. Those were both resolutions I wanted to achieve this year, and in a way I have.

What I'm trying to say is that things in this life are going to push you, knock you down...it's your decision as to whether you let them affect you or not. I've been excused from work, like many others. Something else will come up for me...for you. Just wait and see. Xx

Friday, 10 January 2014

Turning 20 | Lifestyle

Hi All!

This Tuesday is a big day, well for me it is....I turn 20.

I know, I know its not a milestone birthday, and to some it's not that big of a deal...but to me it is. I'm really dreading it, and I have no idea why. Its just another birthday, like any other, but for me turning 20 is a big deal.

When I turned 18 I thought "Yes! Freedom". I was legal to drink, I could learn to drive (although I've yet to start). I was so happy, I was considered an adult. Now that I'm turning 20 it means that I am an adult. My childhood has been and gone, there's nothing left but memories and photographs.

A chapter has ended in my life, but another one is just about to begin. So even though I'm not looking forward to it, I'm going to embrace it, because age is just a number.

If your turning 20, then here's a little qoute for you....

Saturday, 4 January 2014

New Year's Resolutions | Lifestyle

Hey everyone, hope you all had a fantastic New Year's Eve. I sure did.

It's the beginning of the year (I still can't believe we're in 2014 already) is always a good time to think about life, the year ahead and to make those famous New Year's Resolutions.
I've made 5 this year and I really hope that I can keep them as to be quite honest I'm useless when it comes to sticking to my resolutions. Anyway here there are:

1. Try to upload at least one post every week. I started this blog last summer and since then I haven't blogged at all. I promise you that 2014 will be full of new content. Life is hectic, but walking in Claire's shoes is a huge part of my life and I don't want to give it up.

2. Worry less and try to enjoy life. I'm someone who worries about even the slightest little thing. I've gotten to the stage where it's taken over my life, and I hate it. I think this resolution is going to be the hardest to help, but instead of worrying I'm going to think happy thoughts because what's life without happiness :)

3. Be more organised. Since graduating high school my organisation has gone out the window. I have no time-table and my course notes are all over the place. I'm going to be more organised in my studies as well as my personal life, because that too is a mess and needs some serious sorting out.

4. Study more. Studying has been the same as my organisation....non existent. I've studied but I feel as if I haven't done enough. There's going to be a turning point, and if it means getting up early just to study then that's what I'm going to have to do.

5. Get out of my comfort zone. I'm someone who doesn't like change at all. I love it when there are routines in my life, but I'm starting to get tired of the same routines over and over again. So this year I`m going to try and push my boundaries and try as many different and new things as possible.